Get Well Soon release new record "Amen"
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Are you really a fan if you don't own the vinyl? Order your copy of @anaismitchell's first solo studio album in a decade, with signed cover art print included in the package.
Happy Release Day to Wallis Bird with her new single The Power of a Word
Listen to The Power of a Word:
Pre-Order new record HANDS out 27th May:
It feels good to say these words: @samvancelaw is hitting to road this summer with his No Love Tour to celebrate the release of his new record 🎉Get your tickets now 🎫
#HappyReleaseDay to @samvancelaw who dropped two new singles today from his upcoming album: 'Get Out' and 'Been Drinking'. You can already find these tracks sitting nicely on @spotify's #NMF Germany & Japan, Indie Brandneu and the cover of Indie Sleaze. Check out the video for 'Get Out' below 🎞
Wallis Bird releases music video of ‘Pretty Lies’ which is the sister video of ‘What’s Wrong With Changing?’. Both recorded in the same session, one showing the art and the other showing the absurdity of it all
Watch here:
You might have seen Anais performing on the @kellyclarksonshow this week! Here’s Kelly holding the album up! Anais played Little Big Girl together with producer @kaufyismynamo in the church where she recorded the album. Total treat to be on US national television!
Did you catch Minnie Driver interviewing Anais for her podcast? It was a great show delving into some Big Questions!
Listen here:
We’re happy to announce that the 2nd Get Well Soon single of the upcoming album AMEN is released today along with a pure mastery animation vfx video by our dear friends of the btf
You know it: Workout is a sisyphean task. And highly damgerous too. But it needs to be done. Work those muscles!
video by #btf
Change relaxes me because it is definite.
What’s Wrong With Changing? Music video is now available to watch!
Identity plays a huge role in the song. We can’t help what background, physicality, skin colour or what land we were born into but we can choose how we treat each other, how we learn. That to me is the making of the song: How you are - not who you are. So I wanted to play with identity, surrounding, and keep it technically simplified- always the same scene setup in random locations but the message (the dance) remains the same.
Wal x
It’s a big day in Camp-Anais today, with her self-titled album finally out at last! It’s picking up incredible press, with features in the New York Times, Observer, NPR, Mojo, Financial Times, Stereogum, Line of Best Fit and MTV among others, Album of the Week in the Guardian, Telegraph and MusikExpress, plus 4 Star reviews in the Guardian, Rolling Stone USA, the I, the Times and Uncut. We are so proud of this record, and so proud of Anais. What a way to be kicking off this year!
@wallisbirdofficial has just announced that her 7th album HANDS will be released on 27th May 2022. And because we can't contain our excitement, Wallis has released two singles today 🎉
Head to the link below to pre-order the album listen to the first two singles "What's Wrong With Changing?" and "Pretty Lies"!
Anais Mitchell releases a new song from her forthcoming album (out Jan 28th) today. Anais says of the song:
“I wrote ‘On Your Way (Felix Song)’ for my friend Felix McTeigue, who died unexpectedly in 2020. Felix was really fearless and present, he always had a guitar on his back, he was always writing something, he loved the act of just rushing headlong into writing, recording, not overthinking it. It's a lesson I'll return to for the rest of my life.”
Listen here:
Despite all of the difficulties that we shall not talk about, we wanted to thank you and celebrate the good that happened this year. We ended up playing a lot of shows throughout the year: Broadway reopened with a bang and it was great to see Hadestown back at its home in the Walter Kerr Theatre. As well as that,Hadestown has been on the move; opening its first international production in South Korea and hitting the road on a US Tour this year that will continue through next year and into 2023. Our artists worked on score music for movies, documentaries and of course Get Well Soon's Konstantin Gropper was back to score the third season of Netflix's "How To Sell Drugs Online (Fast)". We had great album releases from Steiner & Madlaina and MINE who won x2 awards at Preis Für Popkultur (German Music Prize) for her album Hinüber.
For a lot of us, we have used this quiet time during the pandemic to prepare for what's coming afterwards; we have exciting album releases coming next year with Anais Mitchell, Get Well Soon, Wallis Bird, Sam Vance-Law and Hundreds. Inner Tongue and David Lemaitre are also busy working on new music and there will be a lot more shows in 2022.
As always we are so proud to work with such a variety of hard working artists who stayed strong throughout these last two years. And to those of you who continue to buy tickets and merch of the bands that you love, we salute you!
From all of us here at Karakter, we wish you a safe and relaxing Christmas and here's to 2022!
It’s not a bad day when Get Well Soon announce the release date for their next album and also give us a new song & video along with it. Get Well Soon’s 6th album “Amen” will be released on March 25th, and today you can listen to the first single "‘Mantra’ below…
AMEN will be released in a very Special Vinyl Edition, including the Album on Double-Colored-Vinyl, two exclusive 7-Inch-Vinyls and the „Get Well Soon Perpetual Motivational Calendar“ signed by Konstantin
only available at
Also released on 2LP VINYL, CD & DIGITAL #youwillgetwellsoon#konstantingropper #amen #mantra #virginrecords #karakter#newalbum #btf
Watch here:
Brooklyn Bridge, the new single from Anais Mitchell, is out now!
From the self-titled album coming on January 28th 2022.
Listen here:
Next summer, @minemusik will be performing at the amazing DCKS Festival by @carokebelin which will have a line up of only women artists! As Carolin says herself, the times of staring ath a festival line up with a magnifying glass are over, and we love to see it 👊❤️