MINE has been nominated for the Preis für Popkultur
/“ICH WEISS ES NICHT” by Mine has been nominated for the Preis für Popkultur in the actegory of Favorite Music Video! 🥹✨
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“ICH WEISS ES NICHT” by Mine has been nominated for the Preis für Popkultur in the actegory of Favorite Music Video! 🥹✨
Last week, Wallis played her very first show in Ireland with Spark, bringing their breathtaking program Visions of Venus to the stunning St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin.
Steiner & Madlaina are going on tour with new music this March. The first shows are sold out, so get your tickets.
Wallis Bird at The Late Late Show doing a class version of Mary Black’s Carolina Rua ✨
Not long before Bonny Light horseman head down under for their first Australian tour. Tickets on sale now - don’t miss them!
There was a lot going on in 2024
Anais Mitchell’s HADESTOWN celebrated its 5th anniversary on Broadway in April, where it continues playing to packed audiences. The show also continues in the West End and on tour throughout North America, and will have its Australian premiere in February. Meanwhile Anais herself was busy touring and releasing a new Bonny Light Horseman record.
Wallis Bird released the album “Visions of Venus”, a collaboration with the classical band Spark. Her year was full of shows - solo, band, collaborative and orchestral - and she’s working on a new record too.
Mine not only had a busy year touring but also released her new record “Baum” which entered the German charts at Number 7!
Konstantin Gropper, aka Get Well Soon, was commissioned to write and produce lots of score music, including for “Murder Mindfully”, one of the most successful specials on Netflix around the world. Besides this, he also finalised the score music for “How to Sell Drugs Online Fast” Season 4, which will be broadcast on Netflix in 2025.
Steiner & Madlaina are working on their next album and just announced new tour dates for 2025.
We had a few great releases with Irish artist Honas; Hundreds are working on their new record; and Inner Tongue produced songs for several amazing artists.
We hope you join us for another year of great music and inspiring artists in 2025, as there’ll be lots of great stuff happening: but for now a big cheers from all of us at Karakter Management.
Steiner & Madlaina have released a new song featuring San Silvan – just in time to wrap up 2024.
We’re thrilled to announce that Mine will be back on stage in summer 2025! ✨
After an unforgettable 2024 we can’t wait to see her on stage again <3
Today ‚Murder Mindfully‘ (8-part series, based on the crazy successful crime novels by Karsten Dusse) is out on Netflix. Konstantin (together with Ziggy Has Ardeuer) was commissioned to write and produce the soundtrack. The album with the soundtrack is also released now.
We are excited that Wallis Bird was invited by Jacob Collier to join his Dublin show at the Olympia theatre!
Get Well Soon released a cover of the Talking Head-smasher ‚Psycho Killer‘ as part of the soundtrack for the upcoming Netflix series ‚Achtsam Morden‘ (the series will be out on Netflix Oct 31st).
What a week for Wallis! Wallis plays six shows in Denmark this year. So if you haven't seen her yet – this is your chance Denmark! And if you want to see her again - get tickets for the show in Næstved next year here <3
Happy Release Day Steiner & Madlaina! "ICH KANNS NICHT GLAUBEN" is out now, go and listen to it now! <3
Get Well Soon played a concert back in february 2024 at the Berlinale Berlin at SchwuZ that was filmed by ARTE Concerts. Thank. you all for a great evening, it’s all done really well. Get Well Soon live in Berlin will air on October 5th on Arte 00:30h and also be available on www.arte.tv/
Mine and Nicola Rost have released their fantastic song “Was hab ich nur getan?” If you haven’t heard it yet - check it out now! Happy Release Day!
If you haven’t seen Visions of Venus live yet - then this post ist for you! This project has been a labour of love over the last few years. Wallis and Spark showcasing a millennium of female composers and music live for you this summer. 🫶☀️
The album „Visions Of Venus“, Wallis Bird’s collaboration work with SPARK, has been nominated for the German Record Critics’ Award (Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik).
Congratulations to @hadestown - over five years on Broadway already and a fan favourite!
“Keep Me on Your Mind / See You Free” is a double album with twenty tracks, recorded partly at the magical Levis Corner House in West Cork, Ireland. Congratulations all round on such a beautiful record!
We are delighted that PAULINE, the new DISNEY+ series is out today. Our artist Konstantin Gropper aka Get Well Soon got commissioned to the exclusive score music for the whole season 1. Congratulations to Disney+, btf, Konstantin and everybody else involved.